Email: Jesse D. Laney Ministries Dr. Jesse D. Laney is a Spirit-filled anointed Pastor Learn More Dr. Jesse D. Laney Over 50 years in ministry Dr. Laney’s operates
strongly in gifts of healing, teaching, and preaching
the word of faith.

When the bible speaks about Evangelism. It’s speaking of much more than an Evangelist coming to a church and preaching revival services for a few days. What then is true evangelism?  It is defined many ways, but it is best defined as our responsibility to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, by the most effective means possible.  And to admonish all believers it’s our responsibility and privilege to share our personal love and encounter with our Savior, Jesus and to remind believers and unbelievers alike, the Kingdom of God is at hand, (Luke 10:1-12).

Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. These are words of evangelism spoken by our Lord himself. And when he said I will build, he was including you and me as his master carpenters. No, he wasn’t speaking of working with wood or stone but, his church would become believers in Jesus, just like us. Therefore, if the church isn’t growing, (souls being added to the Kingdom of God). Whose fault, is it? Who did our Lord leave this accountability to? Matthew 28:19-20. Well clearly the answer is not just the ministers, but every believer has been given this responsibility, Matthew 5:14-16.

What the bible says about evangelism –

  • A Divine responsibility – Ezekiel 3:17-19
  • It’s real Good News – John 3:16-17
  • It is empowered by the Lord Himself – Acts 1:8
  • It is truly God’s Work – Ephesians 2:8-9
  • It is the will of God – 2 Peter 3:9
  • It is wise work – Proverbs 11:30
  • True evangelism directs us to only Jesus – Acts 4:12
  • True evangelism offers immediate results – Matthew 11:28
  • Our call to evangelism is waiting upon us – Isaiah 6:8


I personally, have had the privilege for well over 50 years now, of serving our Lord as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, I have never had a greater honor or privilege than praying with someone who earnestly desired to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. So, go ahead, get started today. Share your love for Jesus, in your own words. Witnessing of how much the Lord has changed your life, and then pray a simple prayer of faith with them, getting them started on their new journey called abundant life.

Lord Jesus, please forgive me, I repent of all my sin, come into my heart,                                                                           I accept you as the Lord and Savior of my life, this day, and forevermore. Amen

Dr. Jesse D. Laney

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